Skyrim – lista cu achievementuri

Se pare ca hype-ul creat în jurul lui Skyrim ne împinge pe noi toţi către a face orice omeneşte posibil să ne apropiem mai mult şi mai mult de acest titlu. De aici şi apariţia unor informaţii proaspete despre achievementurile din The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

RPG-ul acesta pare că va completa lista titlurilor de succes ale Bethesda iar cele 50 de achievementuri pe care le poţi obţine fac aşteptarea jocului şi mai neîndurătoare (mai este mult până pe 11 noiembrie…).

Mai mult, o păsărică mi-a şoptit faptul că avem o confirmare oficială dipa partea unui bun samaritean, angajat Bethesda, care a postat pe Twitter-ul său faptul că totul este “pe bune”!

Mai jos poţi lectura minunăţiile:


  • Unbound (10g) – Complete “Unbound”
  • Bleak Falls Barrow (10g) – Complete “Bleak Falls Barrow”
  • The Way of the Voice (20g) – Complete “The Way of the Voice”
  • Diplomatic Immunity (20g) – Complete “Diplomatic Immunity”
  • Alduin’s Wall (20g) – Complete “Alduin’s Wall”
  • Elder Knowledge (20g) – Complete “Elder Knowledge”
  • The Fallen (20g) – Complete “The Fallen”
  • Dragonslayer (50g) – Complete “Dragonslayer”
  • Take Up Arms (10g) – Join the Companions
  • Blood Oath (10g) – Become a member of the Circle
  • Glory of the Dead (30g) – Complete “Glory of the Dead”
  • Gatekeeper (10g) – Join the College of Winterhold
  • Revealing the Unseen (10g) – Complete “Revealing the Unseen”
  • The Eye of Magnus (30g) – Complete “The Eye of Magnus”
  • Taking Care of Business (10g) – Join the Thieves Guild
  • Darkness Returns (10g) – Complete “Darkness Returns”
  • One with the Shadows (30g) – Returned the Thieves Guild to its former glory
  • With Friends Like These… (10g) – Join the Dark Brotherhood
  • Bound Until Death (10g) – Complete” Bound Until Death”
  • Hail Sithis! (30g) – Complete “Hail Sithis!”
  • Taking Sides (10g) – Join the Stormcloaks or the Imperial Army
  • War Hero (10g) – Capture Fort Sunguard or Fort Greenwall
  • Hero of Skyrim (30g) – Capture Solitude or Windhelm
  • Sideways (20g) – Complete 10 side quests
  • Hero of the People (30g) – Complete 30 Misc Objectives
  • Hard Worker (10g) – Chop wood, mine ore, and cook food
  • Thief (30g) – Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets
  • Snake Tongue (10g) – Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate
  • Blessing (10g) – Select a Standing Stone blessing
  • Standing Stones (30g) – Find 13 Standing Stones
  • Citizen (10g) – Buy a house
  • Wanted (10g) – Escape from jail
  • Married (10g) – Get married
  • Artificer (10g) – Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion
  • Master Criminal (20g) – Bounty of 1000 gold in all nine holds
  • Golden Touch (30g) – Have 100,000 gold
  • Delver (40g) – Clear 50 dungeons
  • Skill Master (40g) – Get a skill to 100
  • Explorer (40g) – Discover 100 locations
  • Reader (20g) – Read 50 Skill Books
  • Daedric Influence (10g) – Acquire a Daedric Artifact
  • Oblivion Walker (30g) – Collect 15 Daedric Artifacts
  • Dragon Soul (10g) – Absorb a dragon soul
  • Dragon Hunter (20g) – Absorb 20 dragon souls
  • Words of Power (10g) – Learn all three words of a shout
  • Thu’um Master (40g) – Learn 20 shouts
  • Apprentice (5g) – Reach Level 5
  • Adept (10g) – Reach Level 10
  • Expert (25g) – Reach Level 25
  • Master (50g) – Reach Level 50



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