Battlefield 3 vine cu un patch mare

DICE a lansat o listă enormă de remedieri pe care are de gând să le facă pentru următorul patch de pe Battlelog.

Lista este compusă din zeci și zeci de modificări (reducerea reculului, bullet spray mai mare, etc), chiar dacă ele par nesemnificative, numărul lor fac ca acesta să fie unul dintre cele mai importante patch-uri pentru Battlefield 3.

Aproape fiecare armă din joc o să fie  alterată și acest lucru ar trebui să aibă un impact foarte mare asupra schimburilor de foc. Schimbările nu se opresc numai la arme.

Chiar și vehiculele o să primească  “tratament” special, dar și bipod-urile o să primească  un buff bine meritat (hazza). Sper să bage încă un nerf pentru lanternă, fiindcă în continuare e foarte enervantă și sunt destui care o folosesc.

DICE a ținut să ne spună de asemenea că aceasta nu este lista completă și că o să mai fie modificări pe parcurs ce avansează echipa tehnică.

Momentan nu avem o dată exactă pentru patch, deoarece echipa DICE este ocupată cu îmbunătățirea gameplay-ul online pentru membrii comunității.

Lista cu schimbări este la un click distanță.


  • Added Extended Mags to the ASVAL. The Extended Mags can be unlocked at 200 kills with the AS VAL.
  • Reduced the recoil of the SKS rifle and increased its maximum damage at close range.
  • Fixed aimed firing max accuracy on the Pecheneg to be consistent with other LMGs.
  • Semiautomatic and automatic shotguns firing FRAG rounds now do slightly less splash damage.
  • The M26 MASS frag and slug rounds are now the more effective pump action versions.
  • The M26 MASS and M320 now benefit from the Laser Sight when mounted with an Underslung Rail.
  • Fixed the bolt action timer on the L96 that would cause an animation glitch.
  • 9x39mm rounds no longer benefit from the Sniper headshot bonus.
  • Increased the damage of the 9x39mm rounds at long range.
  • Fixed the AKS74u damage at max range, it was incorrectly higher than other carbines.
  • Increased the damage of the .357 and .44 magnum rounds at max range.
  • All semiautomatic and bolt weapons, including all shotgun slugs, now have their maximum damage out to 15m.
  • Semiautomatic weapons will no longer “jam” if the player presses fire faster than the weapon is capable of shooting. Some semi-automatic weapons have had their rates of fire adjusted to fit this change.
  • Bolt action sniper rounds now have a chance to kill at close range if the player is hit in the upper chest.
  • Semiautomatic sniper rifles, Assault Rifles, LMGs, and shotgun slugs now have more consistent damage over long range. At maximum range shots to the legs will not require more hits to kill.
  • The spread for Flechette rounds has been reduced slightly on all shotguns.
  • The spread for Buckshot has been reduced on the M1014, DAO-12, and S12k. These weapons have an accuracy advantage over the USAS12 but are not as accurate as the 870.
  • Zooming shotguns with Buckshot and Flechette loads will now result in a slightly tighter cone for the pellets.
  • Reduced the delay time between quick knife attempts slightly. Attacks with the knife drawn are still significantly faster.
  • Fixed the Rate of Fire when the USAS and MK3A1 are equipped with FRAG rounds. All other shotguns correctly had a reduced rate of fire with frags, except the USAS and MK3A1.
  • Fixed an Accuracy bug when the MK3A1 shotgun is equipped with FRAG or Slug rounds.
  • Shotguns equipped with slugs will no longer automatically begin reloading if the weapon is zoomed when the clip is empty. This allows players to see where the slug lands before reloading.
  • Fixed 12g FRAG rounds not breaking glass at long range.
  • Players can now earn the shotgun Ribbon using the M26 MASS.
  • The underslung grenade launchers for Russian rifles now properly report GP30 in the kill log.
  • Fixed the AEK971 40mm shotgun round listing itself as FRAG in the kill log.
  • Fixed the 40mm smoke grenade so it no longer passes through soldiers and unbroken objects before it detonates.
  • Several weapons have had recoil or accuracy adjusted in orer to balance these weapons in effectiveness and also increase the feeling of individuality in each gun effectiveness and also increase the feeling of individuality in each gun.
  • M27 IAR: No change. The M27 is a heavier version of the M416, giving it good all-around performance though it has worse performance on the move.
  • RPK-74M: Reduced the initial recoil and vertical recoil. The RPK-74M is a more stable firing platform than the comparable M27, though it lacks the M27′s higher rate of fire.
  • M249: Added an initial recoil. The M249 is the fastest firing belt fed LMG, giving it superior suppressive and damage abilities. The initial recoil makes it a bit harder to run and gun, while making little overall impact on performance.
  • Type-88: Slightly increased the initial recoil, reduced muzzle drift. The Type88 fires the slowest of the medium caliber LMGs, though what it lacks in rate of fire it makes up for in controllability.
  • PKP: Reduced recoil but added a slight initial recoil, increased damage at max range. The Pecheneg has a heavy vertical recoil with a hard hitting round and little drift, this makes it excellent at sustained fire.
  • M60: Reduced the initial recoil, increased damage at all ranges. The M60 has a very low rate of fire that makes it the most controllable with the powerful 7.62x51mm round.
  • M240B: Added an initial recoil, increased damage at all ranges. The fastest firing medium MG, the M240 has a substantial muzzle kick and drift that makes all that power difficult to control.
  • QBB-95: Reduced the total recoil but increased muzzle drift and initial recoil. The QBB-95 should now kick harder but settle into full auto fire better, combined with the bullpup hip fire bonus this makes the QBB-95 a highly mobile LMG.
  • MG36: Added an initial recoil. The MG36 fires at a fast 750rpm and makes a nice middle ground between the controllability of a clip LMG and the sustained firepower of a belt fed LMG.
  • 870: No change. The 870 is a popular and highly effective weapon.
  • DAO-12: Reduced the total pellets fired from 12 to 9. The DAO-12 has a high magazine capacity with a slow reload that makes it a solid all around shotgun.
  • M1014: Increased the rate of fire from 200 max to 210 max. Reduced the total pellets fired from 12 to 9. The M1014 was underperforming compared to the USAS12 and 870, it should now be more viable in CQB thanks to a higher rate of fire.
  • S12k: Increased extended mag from 8 rounds to 10 rounds. Reduced the total pellets fired from 12 to 9. The S12k larger extended magazine but slower rate of fire should make it stand out against the M1014, while the DAO-12 has a higher capacity over all, but a slowe reload.
  • MK3A1: Increased magazine capacity to 8 and 12 for normal and extended mag respectively. Reduced the total pellets fired from 12 to 9. The MK3A1 has a lower ROF than the USAS12, giving it slightly more ammo makes this an edge vs the USAS.
  • USAS-12: Increased the initial recoil. Reduced the total pellets fired from 12 to 9. The USAS 12 has a higher ROF than other shotguns, this recoil change better balances that advantage and the pellets balance its damage output.
  • M4A1: No Change. Well-rounded carbine, with good rate of fire and controllable recoil.
  • M4: Increased vertical recoil, reduced horizontal recoil. The Burst only M4 should now feel different to its automatic sibling, the reduced horizontal recoil emphasizes the greater control you have in burst fire.
  • AKS-74U: Reduced initial recoil and vertical recoil. The AKS-74u’s low rate of fire is paired with great controllability. The overall increase in sustained fire control should help this carbine stand out, while the first kick gives it character.
  • SG553: Reduced initial recoil and vertical recoil. The SG553 is a lower rate of fire carbine with greater controllability than the G36C. The change to initial recoil should better highlight this difference.
  • A91: No Change. The A91′s high rate of fire and bullpup from the hip accuracy is offset by a poor controllability on full auto.
  • G36C: Reduced initial recoil. The G36C is a well-rounded carbine, with a medium rate of fire and a medium recoil. The 2 round burst mode gives this weapon an edge at mid-range.
  • SCAR-H: Increased damage at maximum range and increased max range. The SCAR-H fires a heavier round than all other carbines, giving it better stopping power at range at the cost of a low fire rate that penalizes it in CQB.
  • G53: Reduced recoil and drift, recoil settle times now similar to other carbines. The HK53 is a short carbine with a lot of initial kick but a stable recoil pattern and a medium rate of fire. The changes give it more character compared to the G36.
  • QBZ-95B: Reduced muzzle sway, recoil settle times now similar to other carbines. A bullpup like the A91, the QBZ-95B is steady on the move with a lower rate of fire for controllable shots at longer range. The built in foregrip is now properly reflected in the weapon’s stats.
  • AK-74M: Reduced initial recoil and vertical recoil. The AK-74M sacrifices rate of fire for controllable automatic fire, the initial recoil was negatively affecting the feeling of controllability.
  • M16A3: No Change. The M16 (both A3 and A4) provide a well-rounded stable firing platform with a high rate of fire that is relatively controllable.
  • M16A4: Increased vertical recoil, reduced horizontal recoil. The Burst only M16A4 should now feel different to its automatic sibling, the reduced horizontal recoil emphasizes the greater control you have in burst fire.
  • M416: No change. The M416 is the middle ground AR, blending a medium recoil and rate of fire.
  • AEK-971: Increased initial recoil, reduced aimed accuracy slightly. The AEK has a very high rate of fire, and also a large muzzle drift that makes control difficult. The low initial recoil allowed a player to kill before the weapon’s weaknesses kicked in while the reduced accuracy highlights its close range role.
  • F2000: Reduced vertical recoil, increased zoomed accuracy slightly. As a bullpup, the F2000 has a bonus to accuracy on the move and from the hip while its high rate of fire sacrifices controllability for saturation. The previous changes were an overreaction, this is a corrective update.
  • AN94: Reduced vertical recoil. The AN94′s 2 round burst mode is incredibly accurate, but it suffers from a low rate of fire on fully automatic. The recoil in full auto has been reduced somewhat to offset this penalty and make the AN94 more attractive.
  • G3A3: Increased damage at all ranges, reduced vertical recoil. The G3A3′s heavy recoil and heavy round are offset by a low rate of fire and a small magazine. The G3A3 was clearly outclassed at all ranges.
  • KH2002: No Change. The KH2002 is locked to burst fire, with a high rate of fire and a large muzzle drift the weapon favors accurate mid-range fire.
  • L85A2: Increased accuracy, reduced muzzle drift. The L85 differs from other bullpup style ARs by having a low rate of fire, the accuracy and controllability were too low to offset the rate of fire.
  • FAMAS: The FAMAS combines an extreme rate of fire with extreme recoil making it very difficult to use at anything other than close quarters combat. Due to update restrictions, the FAMAS had different stats on all 3 platforms. The FAMAS is now uniform on all platforms and now has the correct 25 round magazine.
  • PP2000: Reduced the initial recoil. The PP2000 has a lower ROF than other PDWs and needed the controllability to be balanced.
  • UMP45: Reduced accuracy loss during full auto. The UMP45 hits hard and has a controllable recoil at the cost of a heavy initial recoil kick.
  • MP7: No Change. The MP7 has a very low recoil and a high muzzle drift that favors longer bursts than the P90.
  • AS VAL: Increased vertical recoil, reduced first shot recoil, reduced accuracy on the move. The AS VAL fires a long range, highly accurate, high damage projectile that favors short bursts or single fire when stationary. While still quite good from the hip, the AS VAL will suffer if fired while moving and aimed.
  • PDW-R: Reduced the initial recoil. The PDW-R has high recoil and favors burst fire, the added initial recoil was making it less effective in small bursts.
  • P90: Reduced the initial recoil. The P90 favors a run and gun play style using long bursts to control muzzle drift, the initial recoil was making bursting ineffective.
  • PP-19: Slightly reduced the initial recoil when firing, increased base damage. The PP-19′s high initial recoil was over penalizing the burst fire needed to be effective on the low damage, high capacity weapon.
Pompiliu-Ion Popescu
Pompiliu-Ion Popescu
Fan al istoriei şi al celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial, Pompiliu este persoana despre care ştii sigur că a jucat totul în materie de conflicte militare. Pompiliu s-a alaturat echipei din Februarie 2012.
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  1. wOW, nu-i asa ca cei de la DICE sunt cei mai tari oameni de pe planeta?! Eu ii iubesc! Insa sper ca arma mea preferata sa mai fie la fel de eficienta chiar daca o sa ii creasca reculul cu 0,3 (vorbesc de AKS-74U)


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