Ghost Recon: Future Soldier primește Arctic Strike DLC

Ubisoft a lansat primul map pack pentru Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Acesta se numește Arctic Strike și este compus din trei hărti pentru multiplayer competitiv: Riot, Evicted și Skyline și o hartă, Arctic Base, pentru modul coop Guerilla.  Prin acest DLC, Ubisoft răspund cerințelor comunității pentru hărți mai mari. Arctic Strike introduce arme noi și un nou mod de joc numit Stockade,  în care trebuie să omori echipa adversă fără a fi și tu omorât la rândul tău.

Mai jos găsiți un trailer pentru noul conținut GR:FS și după click vă puteți delecta cu informații detaliate despre cele patru hărți, armele noi introduse în joc și modul Stockade. Arctic Strike este disponibil pentru PlayStation 3 și Xbox 360, urmând să fie lansat și pe PC ”foarte curând”.


Despre hărți:

  • Riot puts players on the streets of downtown Moscow. The empty streets provide long engagements as the enemy darts between burned out vehicles. The tight corners of the alleys provide excellent locations to ambush your enemies with a shotgun or a well placed piece of equipment.
  • Evicted continues the fight on the streets of Moscow as battle erupts in a sleepy residential neighborhood. With long alleys between the large apartment complexes, snipers are a valuable resource. Sensors and UAV’s are less effective in this expansive location. Communication is key to track and control enemy movements.
  • Skyline is a two level CQB nightmare. Connected by tunnels and stairwells, the limited access points provide excellent locations to set traps. Snipers exchange fire between towers and cover their teammates as they advance into enemy territory. A skilled UCAV or UAV pilot can push the enemy out of the open area and into the kill zone.
  • If you’re looking for intense action the new guerilla map “Arctic Base” is made for you. It’s one of the most challenging Guerrilla maps we’ve ever made as we’ve added a third HQ much harder to defend. There are many strategic high spots on the map that allows you to cover your teammates but you will have to be careful if you decide to split your team


Despre modul Stockade:

“The overall objective in Stockade is simple: kill without being killed, eliminate the entire enemy team before time expires. Players wait in the Stockade in the order they are killed. A player is released each time an enemy is eliminated. Every few minutes an objective appears for each team that, if captured, will release your entire team from the Stockade. In the event of a tie, teamwork points are used to determine the winner. Stockade is playable on all 13 multiplayer maps. Here are some pro tips to get you started. Use the objective as bait. Ambush your enemy when they try and free their teammates. Don’t use your objective if only one teammate is captured. And finally, one data hack almost guarantees a victory.”


Șase arme noi:

Rifleman: F2000
Rifleman: CZS805
Scout: JSG Type 05
Scout: MP9
Engineer: OCP-11
Engineer: Mk17


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